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Two walloon companies at Nordic Edge Expo 2018

Two walloon companies at Nordic Edge Expo !!

This year we are supporting two walloon companies at the Nordic Edge Expo!

Nordic Edge Expo is a three day conference and exhibition covering Smart City topics. Last year, Nordic Edge had 4,500 visitors, 130 speakers and 200 exhibitors. It is the largest smart city event in the Nordics!

Smartnodes: "Smart cities through smart lightning"

"Light where and when needed, at the right level."

Smartnodes provides innovative control module for dynamic outdoor lightning. They allow energy savings without reducing visual comfort and security of the road users. The node is an embedded system composed of specific sensors, a processor and its memory. Their local intelligent system provides both accurate and powerful local functionalities. This year, they received the Solar Impulse Label for Efficient Solution "Smart cities through smart lightning.


Opinum: "Digital platform for energy and environmental actors"

Between data and IoT, Opinum supports the energy transition with a digital platform: Opisense. It centralises energy and environmental data on a secured Cloud-based solution. Opisense is built to collect data from various. It makes sure that data is qualitive. It analizes it and capitalizes on it. It can help companies lower their energy consumption until 35% !


Check their website for more information!

We wish them a lot of success!